Traditional Carpet Weaving - using a tufted pile

Prayer carpets draw our attention towards God. As I was weaving this rug I meditated on my own prayer,

Crucify my feet Lord, so that I shall only walk Your path,

Crucify my hands Lord, so that I only do Your work,

Crucify my head Lord, so that my thoughts are only of You,

Crucify my heart Lord, so that all that I do is in You.

I used traditional Persian/ Kurdish carpet weaving tools and methods of working. I set up a warp on a small loom and created a tufted pile using what is commonly referred to as a Turkish knot.  I used a combing tool for beating down the woven rows - which also helps to secure the knots in place. The cutting knife is used to cut the wool to continue tying knots. It also had a small hook on the end for passing the wool through the warp. The scissors had an angular bend to enable the excess wool to be trimmed off and to cut the carpet pile down to the required height.  I used lambs wool to symbolise Christ, the Lamb of God.

(4 x 4 inches + fringe)