The pomegranate cope

The pomegranate is a medieval symbol of resurrection and eternal life. It is often found in devotional art of the Virgin and Child, such as Boticelli, Lippi and Leonardo da Vinci, where the Christ Child is seated on His Mother’s lap holding a pomegranate.  The pomegranate seeds with their blood red juice represent Christ’s death and suffering on the cross. The fruit bursting open represents His resurrection, the Church triumphant, royalty and the promise of eternal life. The bursting open also reminds us of the open tomb on Easter morning, the proof of Christ’s triumph over death.

Pomegranates are often seen in the designs of vestments and liturgical hangings or wrought in metalwork.  This particular cope is used during vespers on the Feast of Our Lady of Assumption on 15th August. I had the privilege of replacing the silk lining and other repairs.

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